đ Crocodile Emoji
Technical Details
Short Name
Unicode Version
1.0Release Year
Animals & NatureSubcategory
Animal ReptilePlatform Support
Apple Google Twitter Facebook
Has Skin Tones
Platform Renderings

Apple Style

Google Style

Twitter Style

Facebook Style
Emoji Styles

3D Style
Color Style
Flat Style
High Contrast
SVG Code
<svg width="128" height="128" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <text x="64" y="64" font-size="96" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" font-family="serif" >đ</text> </svg>
Emoji Meaning
A crocodile depicted as a green reptile with a long snout, large jaws, and a scaly body. The design is consistent across platforms, typically showing the crocodile with its mouth closed or slightly open. Represents the actual animal, often used to symbolize danger, wildlife, or specific crocodile-related contexts.
Common Uses
- Referring to the actual animal: 'Look at that đ in the river!'
- Indicating danger or caution: 'Be careful, that area is known for đ.'
- In wildlife or nature contexts: 'Exploring the Everglades and saw some đ.'
Example Sentences
- The documentary featured a close-up of a đ basking in the sun.
- Remember to stay on the path; the water might have đ lurking.
- My favorite part of the zoo is always the đ exhibit.