đ Speaker with Cancellation Stroke Emoji
Technical Details
Speaker with Cancellation Stroke
Short Name
Unicode Version
1.0Release Year
SoundPlatform Support
Apple Google Twitter Facebook
Has Skin Tones
Platform Renderings

Apple Style

Google Style

Twitter Style

Facebook Style
Emoji Styles

3D Style
Color Style
Flat Style
High Contrast
SVG Code
<svg width="128" height="128" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <text x="64" y="64" font-size="96" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" font-family="serif" >đ</text> </svg>
Emoji Meaning
A speaker icon with a diagonal line through it, indicating that sound is muted or turned off. The speaker is typically depicted in gray or black, with the line in red. This emoji is used to represent silence, muting, or turning off sound in various contexts, such as in settings menus or notifications.
Common Uses
- Indicating that a device or application is muted: 'My phone is on đ during meetings.'
- Expressing the desire for silence: 'Can we have some đ please?'
- Referring to a technical setting: 'Make sure the notification sound is set to đ.'
Example Sentences
- Please ensure your devices are on đ during the presentation.
- I need some quiet time, so I put my headphones on đ.
- The new feature allows you to set your chat notifications to đ.