ð Face with Stuck Out Tongue Emoji
Technical Details
Face with Stuck Out Tongue
Short Name
Unicode Version
1.0Release Year
Smileys & EmotionSubcategory
Face TonguePlatform Support
Apple Google Twitter Facebook
Has Skin Tones
Platform Renderings

Apple Style

Google Style

Twitter Style

Facebook Style
Emoji Styles

3D Style
Color Style
Flat Style
High Contrast
SVG Code
<svg width="128" height="128" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <text x="64" y="64" font-size="96" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" font-family="serif" >ð</text> </svg>
Emoji Meaning
A playful face with a wide, mischievous smile and a tongue sticking out sideways from the mouth. The eyes are often squinted or closed, and the cheeks may be slightly puffed. Represents silliness, teasing, or a light-hearted, playful mood. Part of the 'Smileys & Emotion' category, specifically within the 'face-tongue' subcategory.
Common Uses
- Expressing silliness or playfulness: 'I can't stop laughing ð'
- Indicating a tease or joke: 'You thought I was serious? ð'
- Showing a light-hearted, mischievous attitude: 'Just kidding around ð'
Example Sentences
- The presentation went well, and we all had a good laugh ð
- Hey, don't take it too seriously, I was just messing with you ð
- She made a funny face and stuck her tongue out at me ð