▶️ Black Right Pointing Triangle Emoji
Technical Details
SVG Code
<svg width="128" height="128" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <text x="64" y="64" font-size="96" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" font-family="serif" >▶️</text> </svg>
Emoji Meaning
A black right-pointing triangle, typically depicted in a solid black color, used to represent the play button in media controls. This symbol is part of the av-symbol subcategory within the Symbols category, indicating its primary use in audiovisual contexts.
Common Uses
- Indicating playback in media controls: 'Press ▶️ to start the video.'
- Symbolizing a forward action or progress: 'Let's move on to the next topic ▶️.'
- In technical documentation for software or hardware: 'To start the process, click ▶️.'
Example Sentences
- To begin the presentation, click the ▶️ button.
- The tutorial will start automatically when you press ▶️.
- For the next step, follow the instructions and press ▶️.